Murphey Performance Hall Parking
Below is all the important Murphey Performance Hall parking information. Enter the following address into Google Maps or car SatNav:
72 W College Avenue, San Angelo, Texas 76903
Please remember to plan accordingly. Always allow plenty of time prior to your event for traffic as it is known to be busier than normal at times of Murphey Performance Hall events in San Angelo.
Murphey Performance Hall is located at 82 Gillis St, San Angelo, TX 76903. If you are planning to drive to the venue, please be sure to give yourself extra time to arrive. Arriving late may result in being asked to wait in the lobby until an appropriate break period.
You can find directions with your favorite GPS or mapmaking software. If you want to avoid street and surface-level parking, read on to find parking and direction information to get to the Martin Luther King Jr. Transportation Parking Garage.
Parking Info
Parking for the Murphey Performance Hall is located just north of the building on the Gillis between 2nd and 3rd. Also, there are drop off locations for those that need a little extra time and assistance getting to the entrance.